Sejong Bae

Sejong Bae

Division of Preventive Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA


Dr. Bae has completed his PhD from University of Alabama at Birmimham. He went to work at a pharmaceutical company in the area of cardiovascular disease and imaging. After gaining industry experience, he was recruited to the University of North Texas Health Science Center as tenure track faculty in 2001, and was promoted to Professor with tenure in 2010. Dr. Bae returned to UAB in 2012 as Professor with tenure, and has since participated in and obtained numerous grant awards for studies that focus on occupational health, health disparities and cancer and published over 150 peer reviewed manuscripts. 


The chemical hazard risk management plan is a comprehensive management system to protect local residents and the environment from chemical accidents through accident prevention programs as well as accident handling for each facility. In Korea, the system was introduced and implemented in 2013. This system is designed to prevent 69 types of accidents. Facilities that process more than the specified quantity should submit their accident prevention programs and emergency response programs every 5 years. 

Target facilities are voluntarily creating and operating a chemical accident prevention system. As of 2016, approximately 2,000 business sites have established comprehensive accident prevention programs, which contributes greatly to accident prevention.

However, there are about 300,000 kinds of commercially available chemicals worldwide, and about 3,000 additional types are released to the market each year. The distribution of these chemical substances in Korea is increasing every year; from 175.4 tons in 1998 to 432.5 tons in 2010.

The number of chemical accidents in Korea increased from 9 in 2012 to 111 in 2015. The total number of material accident incidents from 2012 to 2016 was 164, and the number of accidents other than chemical substances was higher (n=179; 52.19%).

Therefore, we expanded the program by providing enhanced management measures, and developing "proactive chemical management." We have developed a manual and a countermeasure manual by adding additional substances prone to accidents. Through the analysis of cost, benefit, and regulatory impact of new substances that affect the industry, we enhanced the response management plan and provide the guidelines.