Mark Fuellemann

Mark Fuellemann

Dr. Sc. ETH, Owner Practice & Experience Ltd., Baden/Switzerland


Mark Füllemann has completed his PhD from the ETH Zürich in 2016 with a dissertation on “Safety at Work – an issue of faily management behavior”.  He was the head of Occupational Health & Safety of the Holcim Cedment Group and the OC Oerlikon Group.  Today he advices management teams on their role regarding OH&S and lectures at the University of Applied Science of Northwestern Switzerland. He has given presentations at OH&S conferences worldwide. 


Performance Management has always two sides to it, the reward and recognition part and the consequence management part (this term substituting “punishment”).  Behavioral science teaches that positive consequences have more impact than negative ones.  It can therefore be assumed that reward and recognition elements in a Performance Management system support Occupational Safety better than elements of consequence management. A case study in a cement company in Indonesia showed however that even a well-structured and easy to use reward system for enhancing safety at work contains many potential pitfalls that make the value/effort comparison not attractive.